Gold Medal competition
The Gold Medal is not just a prize, it is also a recommendation of the experts for the presented products and a promotional strategy that begins at the MTP Grupa Expo. A DOUBLE "YES" TO INNOVATION
The competition is supposed to promote features such as Innovation, ingenuity and modernity. Any products and services that stand out in the market as a result of their qualitative, technological and utilitarian values can be submitted to the competition.
Each year, almost 500 products enter the competition for the Gold Medal of Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie. However, only the ones that meet the statutory criteria and obtain positive recommendations of the professional jury will receive this prestigious award. The jury, which is a team of experts consisting of eminent specialists representing adequate areas of economic life, looks for modern, innovative products, manufactured basing upon top class technologies. The MTP Gold Medal is thus a confirmation of product excellence and, consequently, an element of its promotion in the market.

The verdict of the Jury and the granting of Gold Medals to the winning products are followed by the next stage of the competition. Since the beginning of 2012, the representatives of the industry and consumers, in a separate competition called "Gold Medal – Consumers' Choice", cast their votes for the best product at the fair. Votes can be cast at and using interactive touch screens in the specially created Champions' Zone. The Zone is located in the passage by Hall 7A. The "Gold Medal - Consumers' Choice" title is awarded to the winner one month after the end of the fair, as soon as the results of the vote are known.

Benefits of participating in the competition
According to prizewinners and experts, the Gold Medal is an effective promotion tool which improves the market rank of the awarded product, thus building a company’s positive image. The Gold Medal sign, recognized and valued by customers, is associated with the product’s quality and modernity. Being a piece of a well-thought strategy as well as a marketing investment, the prestigious distinction guarantees access to a large group of B2B Customers, opinion-making groups and consumers.
The winners of the competition benefit from many supporting tools to support the promotion of the prizewinning product before the trade fair, during the trade fair as well as after the trade fair closes. The Gold Medal competition's results are determined a few weeks before a given trade fair starts so that a marketing campaign can be prepared for the prizewinning product. Medal winners often use the image of the Gold Medal to promote the prizewinning products, since they regard it a reliable recommendation, which is important in the process of building the trademark and the trust to the offered products' quality. Research shows that the effort made by the prize-winner Exhibitors render an increased interest of the consumers, users and the media in towards the products which are being promoted in this way. Campaigns employing the image of the Gold Medal prove more effective, and thus have a significant influence on increasing the sales of the prizewinning product.